Provident Travel Privacy Policy

Privacy policy


UPDATED: December 15, 2020


Provident Travel Corporation (“Provident Travel”, “we,” “us,” or “our”), considers data privacy important to you and to us. This Privacy Policy describes the online and offline practices of Provident Travel regarding how we collect, use, disclose and store information about you, including through our website (the “Website”) and our social networking sites

This Privacy Policy describes:

• The types of information that we collect
• How we use the information we collect
• How we may share the information we have collected with third parties
• The security of the information
• How you can access and update or modify your information
• How you can let us know if you do not want us to use your personal information in certain ways

When you provide information to us, including through the Website or through social networking sites, or by email or electronically, you consent to the collection and processing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. By providing us with your Personal Information or other non-public information, or any other person’s Personal Information or non-public information. in any manner, or by using the Website or our social networking sites, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and, if you are using our Website, also our Terms of Use and you consent to our collection, use, disclosure, transfer, retention and removal of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Provident Travel reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time by posting revisions on the Website. Therefore, we ask you to check this Privacy Policy occasionally to be sure that you are aware of these changes. Any changes to this Privacy Policy take effect immediately after being posted or as otherwise provided by us.


Information We Collect

What We Collect Online

We collect certain “Personal Information” (as defined below) about you when you provide it to us or to third party sources while using the Website or other online resources, including social media resources. For example, you may provide us with certain Personal Information or other information when you fill out an online application for travel services that we offer, or a request for services, or when you provide us with information on our online platform, or on our social networking accounts. For each visitor to our Website, our web server automatically collects the visitor’s IP address. We also collect non-personally identifiable information about visitors’ web activity and equipment. This information includes the operating system a visitor is using, the date and time the user visited the Website, referring URLs (what website the visitor came from), Internet service provider, browser type, device identifier, and information on the pages that a visitoraccesses or visits. Most non-personally identifiable information is collected via cookies or other analysis technologies, and is discussed in greater detail below under “Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising.”

What We Collect Offline

We may also obtain other information about you, including Personal Information, when you interact with us outside of our Website, such as in person, over the phone or by mail, text or email. For example, we may obtain Personal Information from you when you provide it to us by filling out forms to request travel services, book travel services or if needed to confirm your identity. We may also obtain Personal Information about you from third parties, including information relating to products or services you may have purchased through businesses that provide products or services through us, for example, travel insurance. In addition, data we receive from third-party providers helps us verify the information you have given us or to add demographic or other information to help us better understand your potential needs for additional products or services. We may combine information that we receive about you from our Website or social media resources with information we receive about you from offline sources. You may also give us information about other persons, such as your family members (like your children) or your friends, or employees or clients, which we will use for the purpose you provide it but you are responsible for obtaining any required permission to share this information with us.

Personal Information

“Personal Information” is defined as information related to your transactions with us or that allows someone to identify or contact you, such as (a) your first name or first initial and last name, address, email addresses and telephone numbers, (b) demographic information (such as age, date of birth, gender and marital status and family information) and (c) credit card, bank account or debit card numbers and other payment information, driver’s license numbers, part or all of your social security number, passport numbers, visas, information about where you may be traveling, who is traveling with you, payment or credit histories, insurance policy numbers, personal health information and geolocation information, and any other personal information that is protected by applicable federal or state laws, rules or regulations or industry requirements.

How We May Use Information

We may use the information we collect (including Personal Information) individually or combine it with other information to generate aggregate statistical information. When we aggregate information it does not identify you personally. The primary uses of the information include:

• To provide travel services you have requested or to notify you about different products and services;
• To operate, improve and personalize the services we offer, and to give you a more consistent and personalized experience when interacting with us online and offline, such as through the Website;
• For customer service, data security, cybersecurity, to detect fraud or illegal activities, and/or for archival and backup purposes in connection with the provision of the Websiteand for providing our products and services, and to comply with applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations and industry requirements;
• To send or have third parties send communications to you about products and services you have engaged us to obtain for you, or to send you certain marketing information (unless you have opted out of receiving certain types of communications);
• To communicate with you, or respond to your inquiries, including through email, telephone and text messaging (as you have consented to);
• To perform various types of communications, advertising campaigns, and/or promotional activities;
• To show online advertisements that are more relevant to your interests;
• To cooperate with law enforcement or other regulatory agency activities; and
To enforce our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, or other applicable policies.

How We May Share Information

We may share and disclose information including Personal Information as described at the time information is collected or as follows:

With Our Affiliates and Certain Non-Affiliated Companies
We may share information about you, including Personal Information, with our affiliated companies, preferred travel partners, and other non-affiliated companies that provide services to you. We only share your information in this way to offer you services that may meet your interests and needs and to effect transactions, programs and services that you authorize or request, or to administer, analyze, and otherwise maintain and improve Provident Travel programs, products and services. The companies outside our own affiliates are permitted to use this information only to provide their services to you and are not permitted to share your Personal Information or to use it for any other purpose without our or your specific consent. We are not liable for the privacy policies or information security practices of any such non-affiliated companies so you should review their privacy policies.

With Our Service Providers
We share information, including Personal Information, with our service providers and contractors so that they can perform the functions for which we engage them (such as providing you with travel services (such as a hotel reservation, airplane, train or other tickets, tours, rental cars and travel insurance), or Website hosting and data analyses, providing information systems for storing or processing our business data, and with respect to our provision of services, sending communications and processing credit card payments). We may also share information as needed to operate the Website, and our information systems and other aspects of our business.

For Legal Purposes
We also may share information that we collect to enforce our rights, protect our property or protect the rights, property or safety of others, or as needed to support external auditing, compliance and corporate governance functions. We will disclose information, including Personal Information, as we deem necessary to respond to a subpoena, warrant, governmental request, court order or other legal or regulatory process or to comply with reporting and other legal requirements (including relating to any data breaches) or when necessary to protect our employees, agents,customers and others.

Corporate Changes
We may transfer information, including your Personal Information, in connection with our, or our affiliates’ participation in (in each case whether in whole or in part) a merger, sale, acquisition or other change of ownership or control by or of us or any affiliated company. If this occurs, we will disclose your information in accordance with applicable law and will notify you if required by applicable law or regulations.

Security of Your Information

We utilize a variety of industry standard security technologies and have internal security practices to safeguard the information we have about you and to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your Personal Information and transactions with us, and to comply with applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations and industry standards. We use administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to restrict access to all of your Personal Information and account information to our employees, agents, independent contractors and service providers who have a legitimate business need for such information with respect to our services. However, the security of information transmitted through the Internet or via e-mail or other means, can never be guaranteed. We are not responsible for any interception or interruption of any communications by you through the Internet or sent to us through your email or for changes to or losses of data. Users of the Website are responsible for maintaining the security of any password, user ID or other form of authentication involved in obtaining access to password protected or secure areas of the Website. You should recognize that your use of the Internet and the Website is solely at your own risk. If any data security breach of any Personal Information or confidential information is suspected, we may suspend use of any of the Website, or other systems, without notice, to protect Personal Information and other types of data while we investigate the issue. Access to and use of password-protected and/or secure areas of any of the Website or other systems that we control is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access to such areas is prohibited.

Mobile Computing

We may provide websites and online resources that are specifically designed to be compatible with and used on mobile computing devices. Mobile versions of our Website or mobile applications may require that users log in with an account. In such cases, information about the use of each mobile version of the Website may be associated with user accounts. In addition, we may enable individuals to download an application, widget or other tool that can be used on mobile or other computing devices. Some of these tools may store information on mobile or other devices. These tools may transmit information to us to enable you to access user accounts and to enable us to track use of these tools. We may use Personal Information or non-identifiable information transmitted to us to enhance these tools, to choose new tools, for quality improvement and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy or in other notices we provide.

Emails and Text Messages

You may receive emails or text messages from us, or from a vendor through a third party management tool that we offer to our clients. You can opt-out by clicking on the links available in the emails, or as may be stated in the text message, or by contacting us as provided in this Privacy Policy.

We try to strike a balance between the security of your Personal Information and account information and your convenience. We note that we may send you an e-mail or a text message in unencrypted form (i.e. instantly readable) because many of our customers are unable to access encrypted (i.e. coded) e-mails or texts. This means that such message, if misrouted or intercepted, could be read more easily than encrypted messages. For this reason, please do not include confidential information or any Personal Information, such as your credit card number or passport or visa information, in any unencrypted e-mail or text you send to us.

On our Website, you may be able to choose to use a send or share service to send information from the Website to someone else. In such case we will ask you for certain Personal Information of such persons, such as their email address as well as your name and email address. The information you provide will be used to send a single message by us on your behalf. This information will not be collected or stored for any additional purpose. By providing us with this information you affirm that you are entitled to provide it to us.

Social Media

We may also enable you to post content to social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn). If you choose to do this you acknowledge that you are responsible for your use of a social networking site. We are not responsible for the availability or accuracy of such social networking sites or your use of such sites. You also should not include any confidential information or certain Personal Information in any post you make to a public area of a third party social network page, especially since any such posting immediately becomes public.

Linking From Our Website to other Websites

For your convenience, we may provide links on our Website to third party websites. We may also provide links to third party websites of our service providers so that they can provide you with the products or services that you request. For example, when you book travel, we may direct you to the booking system of our third party service provider which is hosted by them on their own website. Please remember that this Privacy Policy is not applicable to such third party websites and that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such third parties. Your browsing, use of your email address, providing any information including Personal Information, and interaction on any other website, including sites which have a link on this Website, are subject to the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of that website. Please read over those terms, conditions and privacy policies carefully before proceeding.


We do not knowingly solicit, or collect directly Personal Information from any person under the age of thirteen (however, if their Personal Information is provided to us by their parents in connection with the services we provide, such providers are therefore providing any legally required parental consents by doing this). No parts of our Services are directed to or designed to attract anyone under the age of thirteen.

Our Use of Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising

We use “cookies” or “web beacons” (also called “clear GIFs” or “pixel tags”) to obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses our Website.

What are cookies? Cookies are small pieces of information that a website transfers to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing the Website for record keeping and other purposes. Cookies make navigating the Web easier for you by saving your registration, passwords and preferences while you’re at the Website. By using cookies, we can serve you better since they help us understand what information interests you.

The use of cookies is an industry standard; most major websites use them. Cookies come in two types that might be used on our Website: a persistent cookie and a session cookie. A persistent cookie gets entered by your Web browser in the “cookies” folder on your computer and remains in this folder after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the site. A session cookie is held temporarily in your computer’s memory and disappears after you close your browser or shut off your computer.

We may work with third parties, including advertising companies and website analysis firms, who also use cookies and web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information when you visit our Website and third party sites. This non-personally identifiable information is typically used by these third party companies to serve you with information tailored to meet your interests and needs while on third party sites.

Here are some examples of how we use cookies and web beacons:

Our use of cookies and web beacons includes login verification, session management, load balancing and personalization to enhance your user experience. A cookie lets our computers remember that you’ve used our Website, which allows us to speed up your future activities at our Website. Using cookies to do this record keeping saves you the trouble of entering information over and over again. We also use cookies to estimate the number of visitors to our Website, track visits to and sales at the sites referenced on our Website, and analyze our users’ and customers’ visiting patterns. Similarly, cookies help us tailor our product and service offerings, and those of our business partners, to suit your personal interests, and for that reason we may share cookies that contain your email address with our business partners.

We also use clear gif tracking images on some of our pages and in our HTML e-mails that we send you to determine open rates.

We use web analytics tools, including Google Analytics, to help analyze how users use the Website. The web analytics tools use cookies to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information in an anonymous form. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including IP address) is transmitted to our web analytics service providers. This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the Website and to compile statistical reports on Website activity for us. By using our Website or mobile applications, you consent to the processing of information about you by web analytics services.

We do not use cookies to store any of your Personal Information or financial information on your computer. Also, we do not use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally provided by you or provided by your browser in a visit to our Website. Once you visit or click on a link to third party websites, their sites may use cookies. We do not control what information those websites collect or their use of cookies, and they are not subject to our Privacy Policy, including the use of cookies.

What to do if you do not want cookies used:

If you do not want cookies used in connection with your visit to our Website, or if you wish to limit their use, you can generally adjust your browser settings on your computer. Most Internet browsers allow you to set your own preferences for use of cookies. To learn more about cookies and interest-based advertising, or to opt out of cookies, visit the opt-out services of the National Advertising Initiative here:, or visit , and follow the simple opt-out process. If you decline cookies, you may have difficulty navigating our Website, which could adversely impact your online experience. A couple of important notes about this opt-out tool: (1) it includes all the advertising networks that we may work with, and many advertising networks that we do not work with, and (2) it may rely on cookies (called “Opt-out Cookies”) to ensure that a given advertising network does not collect information about you. An explanation of how Opt-out Cookies work can be found on If you use different equipment, change web browsers or delete these Opt-out Cookies from your computer, you will need to perform the opt-out task again. Visitors desiring to prevent data from being collected by Google Analytics may use the opt-out browser add-on developed by Google for this purpose.

Do Not Track Features:

Certain browsers may offer you the option of providing notice to websites that you do not wish for your online activities to be tracked for interest based advertising purposes (“DNT Notice”). Some browsers are, by default, set to provide a DNT Notice, whether or not that reflects your preference. Providing DNT Notice is often touted as a means to ensure that cookies, web beacons and similar technology are not used for interest based advertising purposes – that is, to restrict the collection of non-personally identifiable information about your online activities for advertising purposes. Unfortunately, given how interest based advertising works, DNT Notices may not effectively accomplish this goal. For this and a variety of other reasons, we do not recognize or take any action in response to browser-based DNT Notices. Rather, if you do not wish to participate in interest-based advertising, you should follow the opt-out process described above in the "What to do if you do not want cookies used" section of the Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you want to opt out of receiving marketing or promotional emails, text messages, mailings, or telephone calls, please follow the directions in the communications or contact us at 513 247-1100.

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, or need additional assistance please contact us at:

Provident Travel Corporation
11309 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Attn: Management

Phone: 513 247-1100